Diplomatic Advisor to UAE President welcomes joint initiatives between Project Aladdin and Emirati institutions

Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the United Arab Emirates and a respected voice in the Arab world, received Project Aladdin’s delegation at his private majlis in Dubai, in November 2021, to reflect with UAE partners on “the next steps to make peace in the region more stable, comprehensive and durable.” 

The cordial and frank discussions covered regional and international efforts to create a more peaceful, stable, and cooperative regional order and ways to promote tolerance and respect and curb the influence of radicals and extremists. Dr. Gargash and Project Aladdin’s representatives agreed on the need for a campaign to counter groups that churn out hate in the form of anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry, and xenophobia, and how technology could be an asset – and not just a threat – in this campaign. 

Dr. Gargash praised the work of Project Aladdin and noted that civil society cooperation across the region should be strengthened in order to ensure that ordinary people see the benefits of peace.