As part of Pope Francis’s meeting with the members of the international jury for the Zayed Prize for Human Fraternity, Project Aladdin’s Chair Leah Pisar was received in audience by the Pontiff on October 6, 2021. She presented to His Holiness a copy of “Know the religion of Thy Neighbor”, the centerpiece of Project Aladdin’s program to promote tolerance education for young theologians. The Pope was also given a copy of Samuel Pisar’s “Of Blood and Hope”, following which he paid homage to the memory of the author and described him as a “sage.” Pope Francis took up the theme of knowing the Other the following day during an interfaith meeting, declaring: “Let us dream of religions as sisters and peoples as brothers! Sister religions to help peoples be brothers and sisters living in peace, reconciled stewards of creation, our common home.”

Pope Francis: We dream of sister religions and brotherly peoples